“REX uncensored” | 4th April | Amsterdam

24th February 2014, 8:41 pm


The artist known only as REX has proved to be one of America’s most controversial and enduring artists. Over the past four decades his meticulously detailed pen-and-ink drawings have delighted and outraged a worldwide audience with their homoerotic subject matter, sometimes sweet and sometimes raw. He began homoerotica in the sixties at a time when such subject matter was illegal under American laws against both erotica, and homosexuality. Because signing your name to such work risked imprisonment, he became known simply as REX. For producing his work he became “persona non grata” in the American art establishment which till this day still considers his work “too hot to handle” due to some of its subject matter. Since the sixties he has lead a reclusive life as a cult figure and underground artist with an international reputation enabled thru pirated reproductions of his work first in print, and today on the internet. Forbidden to exhibit his work uncensored in the US, he is currently having the first public exhibition of his uncensored work in over 15 years at Amsterdam’s CNCPT13 gallery.


Published: 24th February 2014

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